
General Evidence for I-140(I-140접수시 필요한 서류II.)

이선아미국변호사 2017. 8. 1. 05:12

미국이민국에 I-140 접수시, 다음의 두가지 요건을 충족하기 위한 서류를 준비해야 합니다.


첫째, I. General Requirements입니다.

둘째, II. General Evidence입니다.


이 글에서는 두번째 요건인 II. General Evidence에 대해 정리해 두려고 합니다.


General Evidence for I-140 

(I-140 제출시 필요한 일반적 증거)




1. Labor Certification(LC) (승인된 노동허가)

준비서류: Form ETA-9089(노동청에서 보낸 ETA9089 승인된 원본 양식에 고용주 사인, 수혜자외국인 사인, 변호사 사인)


2. Ability to Pay Wage (고용주의 급여 지급 능력)

*고용주 준비서류: 기본자료(아래 3항목 중 1개 필요):

(1) Annual reports, (연례보고서)

(2) Federal tax returns, (연방 세금 보고서)


(3) Audited financial statements (감사재무재표)


*고용주 준비서류: 추가자료 요청시(아래 3항목 중 1개 필요):

(1) Profit/Loss statements, (손익계산서, 계산표)

(2) Bank account records, (은행계좌기록)


(3) Personnel records (개인기록)


3. Part 3. Information About the Person for Whom You are Filing. 

(I-140의 파트3에 들어갈 수혜자 외국인에 대한 정보)


(1) Form I-94 (미국에서 진행한 경우, 외국인의 I-94온라인 출력 사본)

(2) Passport Numbers (외국인의 여권 사본)

(3) Travel Document Numbers (없으면 N/A 또는 None 이라고 기입 - 보통 한국인은 이 번호 없음)


(4) Current Nonimmigrant Status (eg)Visa type (외국인의 여권에 부착된 비자 사본)



자세한 내용은 아래와 같습니다.


1. Labor Certification(LC) (승인된 노동허가)

- 승인된 후 유효기간 180일 이내에 I-140을 제출해야 함

- ETA9089양식에 고용주, 변호사, 수혜자외국인의 자필 사인이 들어가야 함


You must file petitions for certain classifications with an original individual labor certification(LC) from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) or with documentation to establish that the alien qualifies for one of the shortage occupations designated in Group I or II of the DOL’s Schedule A.


If an individual labor certification is required, then you must submit the original individual labor certification with the petition, unless the original labor certification was already provided to USCIS in support of a different petition, or the petitioner selects “Yes” for Item Number 8. in Part 4., asking USCIS to request a duplicate original certification from the DOL.


A labor certification establishes that there are insufficient U.S. workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available to fill the position being offered to the alien at the time and place where the alien is to be employed, and that the employment of the alien, if qualified, will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of similarly employed U.S. workers.


Application for labor certification is currently made on Form ETA-9089


Labor certification applications filed before March 28, 2005, were filed on Form ETA-750. 


If the alien is to be employed in a Schedule A, Group I or II shortage occupation, then you may file a fully completed, uncertified Form ETA-9089 with your petition for determination by USCIS that the alien belongs to the shortage occupation.

(Schedule A, Group I: Nurses, Physical Therapists -> No LC process needed)

(Schedule A, Group II: Persons of exceptional ability in the sciences or arts -> No LC process needed)


See 20 CFR 656 or the DOL website at www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov for further information about obtaining an individual labor certification or about Schedule A, Group I or II shortage occupations.


Effective July 16, 2007, all labor certifications expire 180 days from the date of certification.


USCIS must receive any Form I-140 based on approved labor certifications before the 180 day validity period has elapsed.


In instances where the ending date of the labor certification’s validity period expires on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, USCIS will accept petitions with the labor certification on the next business day. USCIS will reject petitions with expired labor certifications filed after the next business day.


2. Ability to Pay Wage (고용주의 급여 지급 능력)


Petitions which require job offers must be accompanied by evidence that the prospective U.S. employer has the ability to pay the proffered wage.


You may provide evidence in the form of copies of 

(1) annual reports, (연례보고서)

(2) Federal tax returns, (연방 세금 보고서)


(3) audited financial statements. (감사재무재표)


In a case where the prospective U.S. employer employs 100 or more workers, you may submit a statement from a financial officer of the organization that establishes the ability to pay the wage.


In appropriate cases, you may submit additional evidence, such as 

(1) profit/loss statements, (손익계산서, 계산표)

(2) bank account records, (은행계좌기록)


(3) personnel records. (개인기록)


NOTE: The U.S. employer must show the ability to pay the proffered wage from the date of filing of the LC, or in cases where no LC is required, from the date of filing of the petition, also referred to as the priority date, until the beneficiary becomes a lawful permanent resident.


3. Part 3. Information About the Person for Whom You are Filing. (I-140의 파트3에 들어갈 외국인 수혜자에 대한 정보)


(1) Form I-94 (I-94온라인 출력 사본 - Most updated 최신) 

(2) Passport Numbers (여권 사본)

(3) Travel Document Numbers (없을 경우 N/A, None 이라고 기입)

(4) Current Nonimmigrant Status (eg)Visa type (여권에 부착된 비자 사본)




If the person is in the United States, provide the following information in Item Numbers 13. ~ 16. Provide all information, as applicable.


If U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or USCIS issued you a Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, provide your Form I-94 number and date that your authorized period of stay expires or expired (as shown on Form I-94).


The Form I-94 number also is known as the Departure Number on some versions of Form I-94.


(NOTE: If you were admitted to the United States by CBP at an airport or seaport after April 30, 2013, you may have been issued an electronic Form I-94 by CBP, instead of a paper Form I-94.)


You may visit the CBP website at www.cbp.gov/i94 to obtain a paper version of an electronic Form I-94. 


CBP does not charge a fee for this service.


Some travelers admitted to the United States at a land border, airport, or seaport, after April 30, 2013 with a passport or travel document, who were issued a paper Form I-94 by CBP, may also be able to obtain a replacement Form I-94 from the CBP website without charge.


If your Form I-94 cannot be obtained from the CBP website, it may be obtained by filing Form I-102, Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure Record, with USCIS. 


USCIS does charge a fee for this service.


Passport Numbers and Travel Document Numbers are needed.

(외국인수혜자의 여권번호, 한국인의 경우 여권번호는 있지만 Travel Document Number는 없으므로 None표시)



If you used a passport or travel document to travel to the United Sates, enter either the passport or travel document information in the appropriate space on the petition, even if the passport or travel document is currently expired.