
시민권 인터뷰 예상 질문과 답 모음, 시빅테스트 Civic Test 100 문제 모음 (다운로드)

이선아미국변호사 2022. 12. 13. 08:26

이선아 이민변호사입니다.

오렌지카운티에 사시는 저희 고객분이 2022년 8월 중순에 온라인으로 N-400(시민권 귀화 신청서)을 신청하셨습니다.
열손가락 지문날인(biometrics)은 이민국에서 재사용(reuse)한다고 해서 바로 인터뷰를 하게 되었습니다.
12월 초 통지를 받았습니다. 3개월 반 걸렸다면서 고객분이 시민권 인터뷰 통지가 빨리 왔다고 기뻐하셨습니다.
2023년 1월 초에 캘리포니아 샌타애나(Santa Ana) 이민국사무소에서 시민권 인터뷰가 잡혀서 시민권 예상 질문지를 보내드렸습니다.

미국 시민권 준비하시는 한국분들도 보시면 좋을것 같아서 공유드립니다.
글 하단에 두가지 PDF 파일도 첨부하니 다운로드 받아서 보셔도 됩니다.

그럼 시작하겠습니다.

-심사관의 방에서 심사관과 인터뷰 할 준비가 되었나요? (Are you ready to have an interview with a USCIS officer in the officer’s room?)
-심사관은 보통 N-400에 있는 내용을 묻습니다. (The USCIS officer typically asks questions directly from your answers on your N-400.)
-심사관은 영주권과 관련된 내용도 묻습니다. (They may also ask questions related to the contents of you’re A-File related to your green card.)
-나머지 질문은 시빅테스트 100문제 중에 몇문제를 묻습니다. (The rest of the questions are those in the civic test, 100 questions.)
-아래의 질문들은 나올것으로 예상되는 시민권 인터뷰 질문들입니다. (The following questions are possible naturalization interview questions.)
-여기에 있는 모든 질문을 묻지 않습니다. 하지만 지체없이 인터뷰를 통과하려면 꼭 준비하시기 바랍니다. (You will not be asked all of these questions, but you must prepare to pass the interview without delay.)
그럼 예상질문 연습을 시작하겠습니다. (Let’s start it.)

• How are you?
• How are you today?
• How are you feeling?
• How are you feeling today?
• How are you doing?
• How are you doing today?

• Do you promise to tell the truth?
• Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
• Do you understand what an “oath” means?
• Do you understand what an “oath” is?
• Do you know what an “oath” is?

• What is your name?
• Have you used any other names?
• Do you want to legally change your name?
• When is your birthday?
• Where were you born?
• What is your race?
• Are you Hispanic or Latino?

• How tall are you?
• What color are your eyes?
• What color is your hair?

• What is your mother’s name?
• What is your father’s name?
• Is your mother or father a U.S. citizen?
• When did they become U.S. citizens?
• Were they married before you turned 18 years old?
• How many children do you have?
• What are their names?
• Where were your children born?
• Where do they currently live?
• Is your child your biological child, stepchild, or adopted child?
• When are their birthdays?

미혼, 기혼, 재혼, 사별 등 가족관계 내역 (YOUR RELATIONSHIP HISTORY)
• Are you currently single, married, divorced, or widowed?
• What is the name of your current spouse?
• When and where were you married?
• Is your spouse a U.S. citizen?
• What is your spouse’s country of citizenship or nationality?
• When is your spouse’s birthday?
• Is your spouse in the military?
• What is your spouse’s current job?
• Where does your spouse currently work?
• How many times have you been married?
• When did your previous marriage end?
• How many times has your spouse been married?
• How did your spouse’s marriage to their previous spouse end?

• Have you ever served in the U.S. military?
• Have you ever left the United States to avoid being drafted into the military?
• Have you ever applied for an exemption from military service?
• Have you ever deserted from the military (left before discharge)?
• Have you lived in the United States or received your green card at any time between the ages of 18 and 26? If so, did you register for Selective Service? (if you’re male)
• When did you register with Selective Service? (if you’re male)
• Why didn’t you register with Selective Service? (if you’re male)

• Are you a citizen of [name of your home country]?
• When were you approved for your green card (permanent residence)?
• How long have you had your green card (permanent resident card)?

• How many times have you left the United States since you became a green card holder/permanent resident?
• Did any of your trips abroad last six months or longer?
• What were the reasons you needed to take trips abroad?
• When was your last trip outside the United States?
• Which countries did you visit?
• Do you remember the day you returned to the United States?

• Where do you currently live?
• How long have you lived there?
• Where else have you lived in the past five (or three) years?
• When did you live there?

• Where do you currently work?
• What is your current job?
• Where else have you worked in the past five (or three) years?
• When did you work there?
• Where did you last attend school?
• What is the name of your school?
• When did you attend that school?
• Are you attending school now?

• Have you ever not filed an income tax return since becoming a green card holder? If yes, did you consider yourself a “non-resident” of the United States?
• Have you ever claimed to be a “non-resident” on a federal, state, or local income tax return since becoming a green card holder?
• Do you owe any taxes to the federal government or to a state or local government?

• Have you ever claimed to be a U.S. citizen? (You must say No.)
• Have you ever voted or registered to vote in a federal, state, or local election in the United States? (You must say No.)
• Have you ever attacked, discriminated against, or denied the rights of another person because of their nationality, race, religious beliefs, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion? (You must say No.)
• Do you support the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. government? (You must say Yes.)
• Will you obey the laws of the United States? (You must say Yes.)
• Do you understand and are you willing to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States? (You must say Yes.)
• If necessary, would you be willing to defend the United States in a war? (You must say Yes.)
• If necessary, would you be willing to perform noncombatant (civilian) services in the U.S. military or work of national importance in a civilian capacity? (You must say Yes.)

• Have you ever been a member of nobility in any country other than the United States? If so, would you be willing to give up your title of nobility upon swearing your allegiance to the United States? (If not applicable: You must say No.)
• Have you ever been associated with or a member of any organization, association, fund foundation, party, club, or similar group anywhere in the world? (If you say Yes, you may also be asked to the name the group, its purpose, and when you were involved.) (If not applicable: You must say No.)
• Have you ever been associated with or a member of the Communist Party, the Nazi Party, or a terrorist organization? (If not applicable: You must say No.)

If you have legal issues, you must tell this honestly.
If you don’t have legal issues, you must say No.
• Any previous arrests, citations, charges, convictions, and incarceration
• Involvement in police, rebel, or vigilante groups
• Immigration violations (such as unlawful entry or presence or overstaying)

• Do you understand why you are being interviewed?
• Do you understand English?
• Do you need interpreter?
• Do you want to be a U.S. citizen?
• Why do you want to become a U.S. citizen?
• Have you ever been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental institution? (If you have never been to mental institution, you must say No.
• Questions in Civic Test 100 Qs

N-400에서 이미 답했던 질문들 (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, 50 QUESTIONS on N-400)
Although you already answered the questions, the officer will ask you some questions again.
1. Have you EVER claimed to be a U.S. citizen (in writing or any other way)?
2. Have you EVER registered to vote in any Federal, state, or local election in the United
3. Have you EVER voted in any Federal, state, or local election in the United States?
4. Do you now have, or did you EVER have, a hereditary title or an order of nobility in any
foreign country?
5. Have you EVER been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental
6. Do you owe any overdue Federal, state, or local taxes?
7. Have you EVER not filed a Federal, state, or local tax return since you became a lawful
permanent resident?
8. Have you called yourself a "non-U.S. resident" on a Federal, state, or local tax return
since you became a lawful permanent resident?
9. Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with, any
organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society, or similar group in the United
States or in any other location in the world?
10. Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated (either directly or
indirectly) with:
A. The Communist Party?
B. Any other totalitarian party?
C. A terrorist organization?
11. Have you EVER advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any
government by force or violence?
12. Have you EVER persecuted (either directly or indirectly) any person because of race,
religion, national origin, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion?
13. Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you work for or associate in any way
(either directly or indirectly) with:
A. The Nazi government of Germany?
B. Any government in any area occupied by, allied with, or established with the help of the
Nazi government of Germany?
C. Any German, Nazi, or S.S. military unit, paramilitary unit, self-defense unit, vigilante
unit, citizen unit, police unit, government agency or office, extermination camp, concentration
camp, prisoner of war camp, prison, labor camp, or transit camp?
14. Were you EVER involved in any way with any of the following:
A. Genocide?
B. Torture?
C. Killing, or trying to kill, someone?
D. Badly hurting, or trying to hurt, a person on purpose?
E. Forcing, or trying to force, someone to have any kind of sexual contact or relations?
F. Not letting someone practice his or her religion?
15. Were you EVER a member of, or did you EVER serve in, help, or otherwise participate
in, any of the following groups:
A. Military unit?
B. Paramilitary unit (a group of people who act like a military group but are not part of the
official military)?
C. Police unit?
D. Self-defense unit?
E. Vigilante unit (a group of people who act like the police, but are not part of the official
F. Rebel group?
G. Guerrilla group (a group of people who use weapons against or otherwise physically attack
the military, police, government, or other people)?
H. Militia (an army of people, not part of the official military)?
I. Insurgent organization (a group that uses weapons and fights against a government)?
16. Were you EVER a worker, volunteer, or soldier, or did you otherwise EVER serve in any
of the following:
A. Prison or jail?
B. Prison camp?
C. Detention facility (a place where people are forced to stay)?
D. Labor camp (a place where people are forced to work)?
E. Any other place where people were forced to stay?
17. Were you EVER a part of any group, or did you EVER help any group, unit, or
organization that used a weapon against any person, or threatened to do so?
18. Did you EVER sell, give, or provide weapons to any person, or help another person sell,
give, or provide weapons to any person?
19. Did you EVER receive any type of military, paramilitary (a group of people who act like
a military group but are not part of the official military), or weapons training?
20. Did you EVER recruit (ask), enlist (sign up), conscript (require), or use any person under
15 years of age to serve in or help an armed force or group?
21. Did you EVER use any person under 15 years of age to do anything that helped or
supported people in combat?
22. Have you EVER committed, assisted in committing, or attempted to commit, a crime or
offense for which you were NOT arrested?
23. Have you EVER been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer
(including any immigration official or any official of the U.S. armed forces) for any reason?
24. Have you EVER been charged with committing, attempting to commit, or assisting in
committing a crime or offense?
25. Have you EVER been convicted of a crime or offense?
26. Have you EVER been placed in an alternative sentencing or a rehabilitative program (for
example, diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, deferred adjudication)?
27. A. Have you EVER received a suspended sentence, been placed on probation, or been
28. A. Have you EVER been in jail or prison?
29. If you answered ALL questions in Item Number 23. - 28., then skip this item and go to Item Number 30.
30. Have you EVER:
A. Been a habitual drunkard?
B. Been a prostitute, or procured anyone for prostitution?
C. Sold or smuggled controlled substances, illegal drugs, or narcotics?
D. Been married to more than one person at the same time?
E. Married someone in order to obtain an immigration benefit?
F. Helped anyone to enter, or try to enter, the United States illegally?
G. Gambled illegally or received income from illegal gambling?
H. Failed to support your dependents or to pay alimony?
I. Made any misrepresentation to obtain any public benefit in the United States?
31. Have you EVER given any U.S. Government officials any information or documentation
that was false, fraudulent, or misleading?
32. Have you EVER lied to any U.S. Government officials to gain entry or admission into the
United States or to gain immigration benefits while in the United States?
33. Have you EVER been removed, excluded, or deported from the United States?
34. Have you EVER been ordered removed, excluded, or deported from the United States?
35. Have you EVER been placed in removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation
36. Are removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings (including
administratively closed proceedings) currently pending against you?
37. Have you EVER served in the U.S. armed forces?
38. A. Are you currently a member of the U.S. armed forces?
39. Have you EVER been court-martialed, administratively separated, or disciplined, or have
you received an other than honorable discharge, while in the U.S. armed forces?
40. Have you EVER been discharged from training or service in the U.S. armed forces
because you were an alien?
41. Have you EVER left the United States to avoid being drafted in the U.S. armed forces?
42. Have you EVER applied for any kind of exemption from military service in the U.S. armed forces?
43. Have you EVER deserted from the U.S. armed forces?
A. Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time between your 18th and 26th
birthdays? (This does not include living in the United States as a lawful nonimmigrant.)
B. If you answered "Yes," when did you register for the Selective Service? Provide the
information below.
45. Do you support the Constitution and form of Government of the United States?
46. Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
47. Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the United States?
48. If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the United States?
49. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. armed
50. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national importance under
civilian direction?

We hope you would pass the interview without delay.
Thank you.

다음은 다운로드가 가능한 질문지 파일입니다.

1. 시민권 인터뷰 질문 모음
2. 시빅테스트 100문제 모음

USCIS Civic Test_100Qs_2022.pdf

제 글이 도움이 되셨다면 하트버튼❤️을 눌러주시고, 댓글(Thank you!)을 남겨주세요.
블로그에 방문해주셔서 감사합니다.

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